Tuesday, 26 October 2010

AHIMSA - Non-Violence

Patanjali is one of the great fathers of yoga. He codified the science of yoga and wrote the Yoga Sutras. These sutras explain how one can live the path of yoga in the world. One concept from these sutras is Ahimsa, which means non-violence.

AHIMSA – Non-Violence

“It is blasphemy to say that nonviolence can be practiced by individuals and never by nations, which are composed of individuals.” – M.K. Gandhi

We are all able capable of violence. We have all been victims of violence, have committed acts of violence, and have witnessed many acts of violence. It is a part of being human. Violence is practiced in deed, word, and thought. In yoga, we do face and accept all of our parts and all of our feelings. However, violence does beget more violence. If we want to heal ourselves, our bodies, our relationships, our families, our friends, our communities, our rivers and streams, our nations, our world, and our Earth, we must learn and practice the ways of non-violence.

In his book, Yoga for a World Out of Balance, Michael Stone says:
“When we react out of fear and hatred, we do not yet have a deep understanding of the situation. Our actions will only be a very quick and superficial way of responding to the state of affairs, and not much true benefit and healing will occur. Yet, if we wait and follow the process of calming our anger, looking deeply into the situation, and listening with a great will to understand the roots of suffering that are the cause of the violent actions, only then will we have sufficient insight to respond in such a way that healing and reconciliation can be realized for everyone involved.” p.78

The process of Attracting Perfect Relationships with the Yogic Diet enables us to look and listen deeply so as to understand this suffering – of ourselves and our loved ones. When we understand the roots of suffering more deeply, and make a plan utilizing the Law of Attraction, we can begin to deepen our own relationship with non-violence and all of its healing ramifications in our lives.

Contact Monique to find out more information on our Attracting Perfect Relationships classes.

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